Our Services

Infectious Diseases & Travel Medicine
Infectious diseases remain a leading cause of morbidity, disability, and mortality worldwide. At M.P. Shah Hospital we have a dedicated Infectious Disease Clinic & Travel Medicine Centre, located at KPJ Medical Centre, main Hospital. The clinic offers outpatient care for diagnosing and treatment of infectious diseases.
The services include:
- Adult HIV clinic
- Paediatric HIV clinic
- PMTCT (prevention of mother to child transmission)
- Discordant couple
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Adult TB clinic
- Hepatitis clinic
- Covid 19/post covid-19 follow up
- Travel Medicine
- Laboratory
- Accute /chronic/infections (respiratory /gastrointestinal)
- Counselling
- Nutritional consultation
- Routine vaccinations
- Physician consultation
Clinic Schedule:
KPJ Medical Centre (Specialty Clinic)
Monday to Friday 11:00am to 4:00pm.
To book an appointment call: 0111 000 600
Or email us at: info@mpshahhospital.org
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