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Preparing for Surgery

Preparing for Surgery

We understand how stressful it can be to prepare for a surgery of any size. As you get ready for your procedure, you may have many questions. M.P. Shah Hospital is there to help walk you through every step of the process with our How To Prepare for Surgery Guide.

How To Prepare For Surgery

Do not be afraid to discuss any concerns or questions you have beforehand with your doctor or other members of our healthcare staff and please review the information below to learn more about what you can expect before, during and after surgery.

Preoperative Appointments

Your surgeon or one of the surgical team members will complete a questionnaire to determine if additional testing is needed prior to your surgery.

If necessary, you will be given an appointment for further medical evaluation. The main focus is to gather important medical information about your health before surgery to ensure you are in the best physical condition possible to undergo surgery. At this appointment, your medical records and previous anesthetic experiences will be reviewed. In addition, the risks and benefits of the various anesthetic options available to you will be discussed. By taking this step, you can lessen your risks of developing complications as a result of surgery. To set up the appointment, contact your surgeons office.

Please remember to bring the following items to your appointment.

  • Any medications you are taking or a list of current medications.
  • If you have received care at another facility, please bring a copy of your medical records and tests. Any x-rays and results from cardiology tests, such as stress tests and electrocardiograms (EKGs, ECGs), are especially important.

For your convenience, we try to keep most of your preoperative appointments within the same location of your procedure. A virtual appointment may also be appropriate based on criteria provided by the anesthesiologist.

Any routine testing that needs to be done before your surgery, such as blood tests, chest X-rays or electrocardiograms (EKG), often will be done in this building. The admitting interview process, which includes providing your insurance information, is also conducted at this time. When possible, this appointment can coincide with your preoperative visit with your surgeon.

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