Sunday 25th April 2021 saw a huge gathering of selfless members of The Kenya Tour Driver Guides Association who turned up at M.P. Shah Hospital to donate blood. This initiative was in partnership with Team Pankaj, a group of humanitarians who have been in the fore- front to mobilize for resources towards the support of families and individuals who have been greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

The safari guides were able to donate a total of 101 pints of blood to help with the patients who require the supply, as the country suffers low blood supplies. This has been made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic. In attendance was Dr. Manoj Shah the hospital Board Chairman, Dr. Toseef Din the hospital CEO, Dr. Vishal Patel the Hospital Medical Director and Mr. Nicholas Kiritu-the Chairman of The Kenya Tour Driver Guides Association (KTDGA). Mr. Pankaj Shah gracefully coordinated this activity with his team.

The drivers and guides who took part in this drive were encouraged to get vaccinated to ensure compliance with the government directives, as they look forward to the re-opening of the industry.


