A Glimpse of

What We Do

The M.P. Shah Hospital One-Stop Breast Clinic is committed to helping women and men address all issues concerning the breast.

The one stop breast clinics are run at Village Market Medical Centre and the Main Hospital in Parklands.

Diagnosis & Treatment:
  • Diagnosis and management of all aspects of breast and skin problems
  • Benign breast lumps, breast pain, nipple discharge, family history
  • Breast cancer treatment: oncoplastic surgery, immediate and delayed reconstruction
  • Breast implant exchange, augmentation, reductions and lipomodelling for correction of breast deformities and/or breast asymmetry for patients having undergone breast cancer surgery in the past
  • Treatment of male breast enlargement (Gynaecomastia)
What to Expect at the One Stop Clinic:

At the clinic, you will see the Breast Consultant and a nurse. They will ask if you have had any breast problems before and whether you have a family history of cancer. The specialist will examine your breasts and under your arm pits. They will explain which tests you need. These may include:

  • mammogram – uses low-energy X-rays to identify abnormalities in the breast. This is the most important breast screening tool as it identifies early signs of breast cancer, microcalcifications and small lesions. Regular mammograms are the most effective tests for detecting breast cancer early, sometimes up to 3 years before it can be felt as lump
  • breast ultrasound – uses high frequency sound waves to assess the size and shape of breast lumps and determine whether they could be tumorous growths or fluid filled cysts
  • ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the armpit
  • biopsy – to obtain a sample of breast tissue



Main Hospital( KPJ Towers, 1st floor): Monday & Friday: 9:30am to 3:00pm

Village Medical Centre: Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:30am to 3:00pm

To book an appointment call/WhatsApp: 0741 012 747 (8am- 5pm) or 0111 000 600 (after 5pm)
Or email us at: breastclinic@mpshahhosp.org


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