Matters of the Heart: Cardiac Open Day

M.P. Shah Hospital held a successful two-day cardiac open day at Village Market Mall. The Open-day themed “Matters of the Heart,” which was open to the public was a gift of love during Valentine’s Day, and ran on 14th and 15th February 2022.

The camp saw over 100 people get free BMI, blood pressure, and blood sugar checks, electrocardiogram and a cardiac consultation. This was a way of showing love even as the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are on significant rise in Kenya, where heart diseases cause 13 percent of deaths.

The M.P. Shah Hospital continues to endeavour in providing the best quality cardiac care through more of such open days aimed at educating the public on best cardiovascular health practices to minimise the mortality rate caused by CVD.

