What to Expect during breast examination appointment
In Kenya, 1 in 10 women is at risk of breast cancer. Along with cervical cancer, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among women.
In Kenya, 1 in 10 women is at risk of breast cancer. Along with cervical cancer, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among women.
When you first find out that your child has diabetes, you may be overwhelmed with feelings of shock, disbelief, sadness, anger or even guilt. You will have to learn about diabetes and the more you learn about diabetes, the better prepared you will be to talk about it to your diabetic child and their caregivers.
Sunday 25th April 2021 saw a huge gathering of selfless members of The Kenya Tour Driver Guides Association who turned up at M.P. Shah Hospital to donate blood. This initiative was in partnership with Team Pankaj, a group of humanitarians who have been in the fore- front to mobilize for resources towards the support of families and individuals who have been greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.
In recent weeks, Kenya has been experiencing acute Oxygen shortage across many healthcare facilities across the country. This has put the lives of patients with chronic health conditions and those in ICU in greater danger. This highlights the crucial importance of access to medical oxygen for treatment.
Millions of people celebrated this years’ valentine’s day in different ways. At M.P. Shah hospital, we collaborated with the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service to mobilize people from across the City to willingly donate blood. The theme of the drive was “Show your love, share life, donate blood.”
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in East Africa, where its mortality rates are among the highest in the world. It is increasingly affecting young women in their thirties.
When you, unfortunately, get sick and go to a hospital, it is routine to be examined by the doctor. He or she may request some extra investigations – some of those may be painful as they involve pricking the skin. Other examinations may not be as painful and are more readily accepted